CYAM - Campus Young Adult Ministry
Welcome, Lutheran Gators hosted by Campus Young Adult Ministry!
Sunday Worship at University Lutheran Church: 10:25am
Dinner and Bible Study used to be held Thursdays at 6:00 p.m. in the Kaiser Center next to the sanctuary. All CYAM gatherings are on hold for the summer.
Lutheran Campus Young Adult Ministry is an organization of students who join together in the name of Christ to celebrate and engage in our faith- all are welcome. We’re glad you’re visiting our site, and we’d love to meet you at our events! Our home is at University Lutheran Church and Campus Center, right across from The Swamp (Ben Hill Griffin Stadium)!
In addition to Sunday worship, students gather every Thursday at 5:30 for"TACO (Theology and Campus Outreach) ". Each week we will share a meal (not always tacos, that would be too much deliciousness) and fellowship. Our month will be broken into 4 segments; Gather, Word, Meal and Sending. Gather will consist of getting to know each other and building relationships. Word will be our Bible Study. Meals (we will have dinner at every meeting) will consist of sharing food and worship with the congregation. Sending will be our week to do outreach of some sort.
Our Campus Ministry goal is to promote understanding, education and fellowship between incoming and current students at the University of Florida and Santa Fe College and the members of University Evangelical Lutheran Church. MINISTRY FOCUS - ROMANS 10:14-17 SPIRITUAL GROUNDING MARK 6:7 AND LUKE 10:1
Using Ephesians 1:9-10 as our vision statement and Romans 10:14-17 as our mission statement, the student leaders extracted a working mission statement to drive their ministry: LUTHERAN GATORS invites others to join its ministry team in building, nurturing and maintaining a student led, Christ-centered community at UF!